Saturday, 12 May 2012

100th Video Insanity!

Okay so some of you have read about my situation (If you haven't then it's the post below) and the fact that I have had to get rid/re-make the videos that had me in them including my 100th video :( Now, there were three reasons I deleted that video. #1- It had my face in it #2- I was not that fond of the video quality as I had to film it through my computer because it just refused to upload. And #3- It wasn't actually my 100th video. Well, it WAS but as I deleted older videos which left me with 94 videos but by now I have  97 :) So I'm gonna build up my videos and then make a 100th video that's 10000000000x better than my other one xD (Yes, I deleted the hunger games and remade it and the Christmas one and re-made it and many moar like webcam videos and my first ever contest :"( Sob, sob) I know Exactly what I want to do but I just need to clarify a couple of things with some people first :) I'll give you a involves a hyper cam...I shall say no moar. xD SO! I have NO homework today!! YIPEE! xD So i'm going to go and do some filming :) Bye, I hope you understand the situation!!! xD -Aly Xx

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